Monday, March 29, 2010

Baby Plants

Peppers, tomatoes, basil & eggplant (thus far....)


healthyhealthyhabits said...

"I like to start my containers from the beginning under grow lights or a fluorescent shop light suspended from chains with cup hooks so I can move the lights up as the plants grow. Suspend the light just 1 or 2 inches above the seedlings and it will provide both light and warmth. (Once germinated, seedlings will grow happily at 70 - 80 degrees.

As the seedlings grow, move the lights up, keeping them just a few inches above the tops of the plants. If you do use a sunny windowsill to grow your seedlings, rotate the plants every few days so they don't have to reach for the light. Seedlings that are stringy looking, weak or pale are not getting enough light. There should be no more than an inch of stem between the surface of the soil and the first little leaf. I generally leave artificial lights on for 12 to 16 hours a day; I've also left them on 24 hours a day with equally good results. With warm conditions and enough light, seedlings will grow rapidly. Their first two oval leaves will soon be succeeded by sets of true leaves. At this point, its okay to let the top 1/2 inch of soil dry out between watering. Check soil moisture by putting your index finger into the soil - if its dry below your first joint, its time to water carefully with a gentle trickle from faucet or watering can."


margot said...

looks like quite the pro set up. I need to advance to more of this. I do have collards, broccoli and lettuce in the ground, but shamefully only lettuce is from seed.